Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Take a Breather

Springtime in my town is when Mother Nature pulls out the multi-colored quilts of her bounty and spreads them across the landscape.  A 10 minute drive in my town is enough to become incredibly inspired by the colors of every blooming flower, bush, and tree.  As a quilter I have this insane desire to dash over to each bloom and burn its unique tone and shade into my memory.  Fortunately, this desire has not resulted in mass amounts of traffic tickets and/or major accidents to date.  If only there were a way to replicate the particular sparkle of a blooming cherry tree after a rain.  Or the royal blues and purples of the creeping myrtles and bushes.  This is part of the mystery of life – we can see and hear and smell and touch the beauty but we can never replicate it.  Every grey Seattle winter we wait – and wait – for that first spring day when the sun parts the clouds and lights up the blooming landscape and reminds us that no matter how advanced we humans become, we will never replicate the absolute perfection of this earth.  Take a moment today to simply look around – it will do you some good.  No matter the state of our national economy, the state of your personal economy, how much you yearn for anything that matters to you, and how much you may be grieving at a loss, Mother Nature will always be there to quiet your mind and heart and to say that tomorrow is yours for the making.  I'm  making another quilt!! with all of Her colors in mind.

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